The 5-Step Method to Externally Express a Dog’s Glands

The 5-Step Method to Externally Express a Dog's Glands

Expressing a dog’s glands is a routine part of grooming for many dog breeds. It might sound daunting or even a bit icky, but it’s an essential task for maintaining your dog’s health and comfort. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to dive into the how-to’s of external dog gland expression through a step-by-step method. … Read more

Can You Shave A Tibetan Mastiff? – A Comprehensive Insight

Mastiff Tibetan closeup

The Tibetan Mastiff, a breed renowned for its majestic, regal presence and grand, thick coat, is a subject of great intrigue for many dog enthusiasts. As one of the largest dog breeds in the world, its rich double coat has been an effective defense mechanism against the harsh climates of its native Tibetan Plateau. But … Read more